Finding a vehicle of interest is a good start. But to close a case you often need to go a step further - making connections to frequented locations and other vehicles. That's where VehicleManager can help.
Find the needle in a haystack
Easily search for, find and review the location history of a vehicle of interest and determine where it may be located in the future.
Discover new vehicle leads
Jumpstart your investigation by identifying vehicles you may not have known were connected to each other or specific locations.
Heighten your awareness
Configure and share hot lists and alerts for vehicles of interest to your team. Receive alerts and access tools anywhere.
The amount of vehicle data collected by your LPR system is a lot. VehicleManager can reveal patterns, trends and associations - generating leads and closing cases.
Discover how VehicleManager connects into Motorola Solutions end-to-end public safety ecosystem
Situational awareness
Get the bigger picture. Enhance your overall operational picture during an incident by automatically pulling over license plate recognition information onto a map.
Records management
Correlate license plate recognition data to the case. Make connections between records management and LPR to build and solve cases faster.
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